UI/UX Design

Graphic Design

Virtual Pet Smart Watch Gaming App

Virtual Pet Smart Watch Gaming App

UX/UI Design

Timeline: 3 weeks

Animalia is a virtual pet app concept for audiences ages 7-35, which centres around the concept of nurturing and taking care of virtual pets in a fun and educational way. With a focus on fostering responsibility, creativity, and empathy, Animalia aims to create a safe and enjoyable environment for users to learn about pet care and develop a sense of connection with their digital companions.

Animalia is a virtual pet app concept for audiences ages 7-35, which centres around the concept of nurturing and taking care of virtual pets in a fun and educational way. With a focus on fostering responsibility, creativity, and empathy, Animalia aims to create a safe and enjoyable environment for users to learn about pet care and develop a sense of connection with their digital companions.


What is the Problem? | Objectives and Goals | User Interviews | Game Developer Feedback | Competitor Analysis

Empathy Map | Key Insight | Proto Persona

  • Task Flow (Smart Watch)

  • User Flow (Mobile)

  • Mobile Process (Low-Fidelity Sketches, Mid-Fidelity Wireframes, User Testing Feedback, High-Fidelity Prototype)

  • Smart Watch Process (Low-Fidelity Sketches, Mid-Fidelity Wireframes, User Testing Feedback, High-Fidelity Prototype)

  • Mock Web Landing Page

Tools Used

Group Members + Roles

Adam Lee

Product Designer

Graphic Designer

Squid Aussem

Project Manager

UI Designer

Kaitlin Russell


UX Researcher

Hanan Jama

UX Researcher

Adam Lee

Product Designer

Graphic Designer

Squid Aussem

Project Manager

UI Designer

Kaitlin Russell


UX Researcher

Hanan Jama

UX Researcher

Part 1: Discover

Part 1: Discover

Problem Statement

The small interface of smartwatches hinders users from fully enjoying virtual pet games, leading to frustration and limited engagement. Users seek a seamless and rewarding experience where they can develop a strong bond with their virtual pets, feel a sense of responsibility, and easily connect with other players. There is a need to improve user interactions in Smartwatch Games & Apps, addressing the challenges of the small interface and creating a captivating experience that aligns with users' expectations. 

How might we optimize the user experience in Virtual Pet Smartwatch Games to provide a delightful and immersive virtual pet ownership journey on smartwatches?

The small interface of smartwatches hinders users from fully enjoying virtual pet games, leading to frustration and limited engagement. Users seek a seamless and rewarding experience where they can develop a strong bond with their virtual pets, feel a sense of responsibility, and easily connect with other players. There is a need to improve user interactions in Smartwatch Games & Apps, addressing the challenges of the small interface and creating a captivating experience that aligns with users' expectations. 

How might we optimize the user experience in Virtual Pet Smartwatch Games to provide a delightful and immersive virtual pet ownership journey on smartwatches?

Objectives & Goals

To understand users' past experiences with virtual pet apps for children aged 7+, exploring how these apps can nurture learning about animals, pet care, responsibility, and creativity. The study also aims to investigate the reasons behind people's enjoyment of virtual pet games, their preferences, and suggestions for improvements, as well as gain insights into different age groups' perceptions in smartwatches game apps.

To understand users' past experiences with virtual pet apps for children aged 7+, exploring how these apps can nurture learning about animals, pet care, responsibility, and creativity. The study also aims to investigate the reasons behind people's enjoyment of virtual pet games, their preferences, and suggestions for improvements, as well as gain insights into different age groups' perceptions in smartwatches game apps.

User Interviews

Eva Elle

7 Years Old

"I would love a game where my virtual pets could go on exciting adventures! We could explore new places and find hidden treasures together. It would be like a real adventure"

"I would love a game where my virtual pets could go on exciting adventures! We could explore new places and find hidden treasures together. It would be like a real adventure"

Guy Mccoy

10 Years Old

"Wouldn't it be awesome if we could have different habitats for our virtual pets? Like a jungle or underwater world? We could explore and have amazing adventures together"

"Wouldn't it be awesome if we could have different habitats for our virtual pets? Like a jungle or underwater world? We could explore and have amazing adventures together"

Kayla Ray

25 Years Old

"A smartwatch makes your virtual pet accessible anytime, right on your wrist. Quick interactions, notifications, and fun gestures enhance the immersive experience of caring for a virtual pet"

"A smartwatch makes your virtual pet accessible anytime, right on your wrist. Quick interactions, notifications, and fun gestures enhance the immersive experience of caring for a virtual pet"

Game Developer Feedback

"Pixel art is coming back in a big way, there's a huge demand for nostalgic and cute art styles."

"Pixel art is coming back in a big way, there's a huge demand for nostalgic and cute art styles."

"Smartwatch games would have to have simple controls because of the issues with precision and complex actions. Something like a rhythm game would work very well, maybe you could combine it with the step counting feature."

"Smartwatch games would have to have simple controls because of the issues with precision and complex actions. Something like a rhythm game would work very well, maybe you could combine it with the step counting feature."

We conducted virtual interviews with 3 children, 3 young adults, as well as 2 professionals in the gaming industry. From our research, we discovered children preferred a larger interface (phones & tablets) for gaming. However, there is also a growing demand for more smart watch app gaming amongst adults, and so we broadened our target market to incorporate more retro-inspired gaming.

We conducted virtual interviews with 3 children, 3 young adults, as well as 2 professionals in the gaming industry. From our research, we discovered children preferred a larger interface (phones & tablets) for gaming. However, there is also a growing demand for more smart watch app gaming amongst adults, and so we broadened our target market to incorporate more retro-inspired gaming.

Competitor Analysis

Direct Interaction

Direct Interaction



Custom Pet Features

Custom Pet Features

Schedule Controls

Schedule Controls

Tamagotchi Smart

Tamagotchi Smart

Nomi: A Pet For Your Watch

Nomi: A Pet For Your Watch



Part 2: Define

Part 2: Define

Empathy Map


"It would be cool to see your friends’ pets and their progress / fitness progress"

"Stuff for kids doesn’t need to be different than stuff for adults. Good designs, comedy, entertainment translates well for adults and kids who enjoy the category"

"Humans naturally like taking care of things and seeing them grow"


Plays games on computer, DS, some mobile, board games

Time spent playing games on devices: Around 30 minutes to an hour daily, most enjoyable time


Plays games on computer, DS, some mobile, board games

Time spent playing games on devices: Around 30 minutes to an hour daily, most enjoyable time


"Would like a smartwatch that can help you disconnect at certain times of day"

"Desired learning while playing with virtual pet: More knowledge about animals and pet care"

"Favourite animal: Tiger (admires sharp claws, climbing abilities, and camouflage)"


Hopes for continued exploration and innovation in virtual pets and smartwatch games

Has enjoyed obstacle courses and throw/catch challenges on virtual pet games

Animal death is a big nope


Hopes for continued exploration and innovation in virtual pets and smartwatch games

Has enjoyed obstacle courses and throw/catch challenges on virtual pet games

Animal death is a big nope


Liked how you could bring tamagotchis everywhere with you

Smartwatch- lightweight, useful, provides feedback about body, hard to lose


Mobile interface is often “weird”- touchscreen not tactile, large fingers, simulated buttons are awkward)

Thinks smartwatches are cool but expensive and doesn’t want to be too plugged in/addicted

Key Insight

Users appreciate a unique virtual pet that can fit in their routine and grow alongside them, provide a feeling of reward for responsibility, and encourage social interactions between friends, all while being simple to use on a small screen.

Users appreciate a unique virtual pet that can fit in their routine and grow alongside them, provide a feeling of reward for responsibility, and encourage social interactions between friends, all while being simple to use on a small screen.

Proto Persona


Ben is a grade 6 student who wants to feel like he’s never alone. He loves being social, playing with his friends, biking, and playing videogames when he’s bored. He likes being creative and learning about science and animals on YouTube. Ben learns best through interactions and puzzles. In video games he loves being rewarded and competing challenges with his friends. He hasn’t had a smartwatch of his own but would like one if it had games on it that he could play whenever he’s feeling bored or lonely.


Ben is a grade 6 student who wants to feel like he’s never alone. He loves being social, playing with his friends, biking, and playing videogames when he’s bored. He likes being creative and learning about science and animals on YouTube. Ben learns best through interactions and puzzles. In video games he loves being rewarded and competing challenges with his friends. He hasn’t had a smartwatch of his own but would like one if it had games on it that he could play whenever he’s feeling bored or lonely.

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student

Interests: Outdoor activities, friends, video games, animals

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student

Interests: Outdoor activities, friends, video games, animals

Goals & Motivation

  • Achievements and rewards in both games and learning

  • Playing and competing with friends

  • Wants to take care of an animal of his own

  • Wants a companion to bring anywhere

Goals & Motivation

  • Achievements and rewards in both games and learning

  • Playing and competing with friends

  • Wants to take care of an animal of his own

  • Wants a companion to bring anywhere

Goals & Motivation

  • Achievements and rewards in both games and learning

  • Playing and competing with friends

  • Wants to take care of an animal of his own

  • Wants a companion to bring anywhere

Pain Points

  • Long wait times in games

  • Feels sad when characters die or disappear

  • Smartwatch doesn’t appear to be for kids, and can be expensive

Pain Points

  • Long wait times in games

  • Feels sad when characters die or disappear

  • Smartwatch doesn’t appear to be for kids, and can be expensive

Pain Points

  • Long wait times in games

  • Feels sad when characters die or disappear

  • Smartwatch doesn’t appear to be for kids, and can be expensive

Part 3: Develop & Design

Part 3: Develop & Design

With the data collect, we brainstormed ideas and after some iterations we created a Task Flow for the Smart Watch & a User Flow for Mobile. We decided it would be best to onboard the user through mobile given its larger interface, offering more options for the user. The user would would then transfer and connect the actual app through the Smart Watch.

Task Flow (Smart Watch)

User Flow (Mobile)

Mobile Process

Mobile Process

Low-Fidelity Sketches

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

User Testing Feedback

User Testing Feedback

  • Need Larger Text + Icons

  • Information required seemed necessary and were things that users would want control over

  • More customization

  • Indicate which settings can & can't be changed (name, colour, schedule, etc)

  • Need Larger Text + Icons

  • Information required seemed necessary and were things that users would want control over

  • More customization

  • Indicate which settings can & can't be changed (name, colour, schedule, etc)

  • Include a Back Buttons for settings

  • The Pause/Play Button is confusing, change it to a Sound On/Off iconNeed Larger Text + Icons

  • Add sprite to pet settings to show colour instead of button changing colour

  • Include a Back Buttons for settings

  • The Pause/Play Button is confusing, change it to a Sound On/Off iconNeed Larger Text + Icons

  • Add sprite to pet settings to show colour instead of button changing colour

High Fidelity Prototype

Onboarding & Customization

Figma Prototype

Smart Watch Process

Smart Watch Process

Low-Fidelity Sketches

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

User Testing Feedback

User Testing Feedback

  • Have Alerts to remind when to feed or interact with your pet

  • Larger icons, without taking over space -  Flatter oval buttons in corners

  • Edit Dark Mode setting

  • The Profile Tab is too wide

  • Have explanation of what icons do

  • Add Music and SFX On/Off setting

  • Change interaction from Swipe to Drag

High-Fidelity Prototype


Games, Settings & Profile

Figma Prototype

Mock Web Landing Page

A launch page for Animalia. It has instructions and preview for mobile onboarding and gameplay

Website Link

The Team

© 2024 ADAM LEE